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Employee Resources

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  • Quality Policy
    One Solution -People Matter are committed to meeting the Quality Standards expected by its Clients and to the continual improvement upon its services.
  • Code of Conduct Policy
    CNC-001-107-2021 | Updated: 28/05/2021 One Solution -People Matter, Code of Conduct Policy aims to ensure all employees and its subcontractors adhere the policies and procedures below and that of the company’s integrated quality management system IMS, and that of our clients: - Agree and adhere to Code of Conduct requirements of One Solution-People Matters and those of our customer’s. To act honestly, fairly, and always treat others with courtesy and respect. To comply with all Federal and State laws, codes, regulations, legislation, and Acts. To be ethical when representing One Solution -People Matter and the customer in business and with the public. To Act safely following the WHS legislation, company policies and procedures. To provide excellent customer service to all stakeholders and to actively identify and mitigating hazards promoting continuous improvement. To abide by the company values. To abide by Equal Employment Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Policy ensuring there is no discrimination, sexual harassment, using of abusive language i.e., swearing, name calling etc, not wearing correct PPE, acting maliciously, damaging plant and equipment. To comply with the Drug and Alcohol Policy by not taking any type of drugs and/or alcohol that may affect you and others. One Solution -People Matter and our customers have a zero tolerance to the consumption, possession, distribution or being under the influence of alcohol and drugs while at work that can affect others safety, work performance, or violates the law. To abide by not using mobile phones for personal unless the situation is an emergency see site supervisor. To abide by following all “Safety” guidelines, procedures, policies, and legislation which is paramount to everyone’s safety and to report all and any risks to others or yourself immediately. All incidents, accidents, and injuries must be immediately to site supervisor, the manager and client representative. To communicate and report grievances and/ or issues of concerns immediately to manager for investigation.
  • Sustainability Policy
    One Sol -001-113-2021 | Updated: 28/05/2021 One Solution People Matter is committed to promoting a sustainable culture and future by implementing the following actions: - Complying with applicable legislation, regulations, and codes of practice. Integrating sustainability considerations into all our business decisions. Communicating our Sustainability Policy with a commitment to continuous improving it. To minimize the impact on sustainability of all offices and activities. To communicate to clients and suppliers our Sustainability Policy, and to encourage them to implement sustainable management practices. To continually monitor, report, and improve our sustainability performance. Establishing strategies, policies and procedures aimed at sustainability practices meeting the changing environment embodied in its Integrated Management System. Continually, train, monitor and ensure our teams: Seek and select Suppliers and Subcontractors with sustainability business processes. Set business objectives meeting the clients and stakeholders policies and processes linked to sustainable practices. Strive for continuous waste mitigation and reduction focussed on protecting the environmental. Adopt business processes that reduce carbon emissions, water consumption and energy usage. Minimize our use of paper and other office consumables. Reduce the energy consumption. Include a copy of our Sustainability Policy in all our proposals to clients.
  • Equal Opportunity & Anti Discrimination Policy
    One Sol-001-114-2021 | Updated: 28/05/2021 One Solution -People Matter recognises its obligation under this Policy to: - Eliminate discrimination and harassment of any kind from its workplaces. Implement work systems to prevent the risk of discrimination and/or harassment and to ensure these systems maintain privacy and confidentiality of data collected. To ensure that our conduct and processes are fair and lawful. Apply this policy to all employees, contractors, visitors, customers, and stakeholders. Respect a person right to belong or not belong to an industrial association (eg. a trade union or employer association). A person also has the right to take part or not take part in industrial activity. Apply federal and state anti-discrimination laws, discrimination in employment on the following grounds is against the law: Race; Sex; Pregnancy; Age; Marital Status; Parental Status; Disability; Social Origin; Religion; Political Belief; Lawful Sexual Activity One Solution People Matter have implemented steps to: - Ensure that there are clear processes in place for raising grievances and complaints. Taking action if it is aware of any behaviour which could constitute discrimination and/or harassment, even if no complaint has been lodged. Identifying potential risk factors and taking prompt, reasonable action to minimise those risks. Ensure clear and concise communication and requirements of the policy. All employees are treated on their merits, without regard to race, age, sex, marital status or other factor not applicable to their position. Employees are valued according to how well they perform their duties, and their ability and enthusiasm to maintain the company’s standards of service. treating complaints and behaviour which may constitute discrimination and/or harassment seriously and taking immediate action. treating complaints of discrimination and/or harassment with appropriate confidentiality ensuring that a person is not victimised for making, or being involved in, a complaint of discrimination and/or harassment. Communicate this policy
  • Indigenous Policy
    CNC-001-115-2021 | Updated: 28/05/2021 One Solution -People Matter, Indigenous policy is integrated with its system policies, procedures, and processes to meet the changing needs of our client’s requirements and government initiatives. The indigenous policy aims at supporting and promoting indigenous employment by: - Supporting the Indigenous Procurement Policy 2020 Source, supply and support our customers with competent, skilled, and suitable indigenous labour meeting the requirements contracted. Continually help our people, customers and community meet their changing personal and professional needs in procurement and supply of indigenous people. We will act and conduct ourselves professionally investing in our employees through programs of best‐practice employment, offering training opportunities, rewards, and mutual fair contractual arrangements. Working with companies that promote and support indigenous recruitment.
  • Modern Slavery Policy
    One Sol-001-115-2021 | Updated: 28/05/2021 One Solution -People Matter recognises its obligation under this Policy, not engage in supply chains or conduct business that contravenes the Australian Government’s Modern Slavery Act 2018 (the Act) which came into force on 1 January 2019. Modern slavery is a violation of an individual’s dignity and human rights. Exploitative practices include: - human trafficking. slavery, servitude (situations where the victim personal freedom is significantly restricted and not free). forced marriage (coercion, threats, deception) and/or forced or child labour. debt bondage (security for a debt). deceptive recruitment. One Solution -People Matter will: - Develop and implement processes to prevent the risk of modern slavery and data collected. Apply this policy to all employees, contractors, supply chain customers, and stakeholders. Abide by the Modern Slavery Act 2018. Identify and incorporate measures safeguarding against potential modern slavery risks and monitor progress and will implement action plans to mitigate the risks identified. Will consider including specific clauses that guard against modern slavery risks in contracts with suppliers. Ensure clear and concise communication and requirements of the policy.
  • ISO9001:2015 Certificate of Registration
  • ATLAS Certification - Terms and Conditions
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