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Sydney Harbour Bridge

Find the
Talent you need


Employer Services

Finding and hiring skilled talent is more significant than ever before. One Solution Recruitment has the tools to connect companies with the best recruits, as well as connect applicants with the right jobs for all of their qualifications. If you live in the Sydney or Melbourne area, we can help you. Get in touch to learn more about the industries we work in below. 

Finding and hiring skilled talent is more significant than ever before. One Solution Recruitment has the tools to connect companies with the best recruits, as well as connect applicants with the right jobs for all of their qualifications. If you live in the Sydney or Melbourne area, we can help you. Get in touch to learn more about the industries we work in below. 

White Room

STEP 6 - Inform Successful


Inform successful candidate and negotiate all terms of employment contract. Provide post placement support to both employee and client to ensure retention.


STEP 5 - Present Candidates

We present 2-3 top candidates to review and provide feedback relevant to your vacancy and specific requirements.


Our Process Flow

One Solutions' commitment is to make the process for Employer and Candidate as smooth and transparent for a successful outcome.

STEP 7 - Support & Maintain

strong Relationship

Provide a smooth interaction for time sheets, invoicing and OHS wellness and safety by maintaining strong relationships throughout all processes.

STEP 1 - Get in Touch

Complete an easy online vacancy form.

STEP 2 - Contact and Customise

We will be in contact and customise a solution to meet your talent search.  As we know that every organisation goals are varied.

STEP 3 - Search our Database

We will search our database and use different resources to source the most suitable candidate for the vacancy and best fit for your business.

STEP 4 - Compliance Requirements

We will then complete all compliance requirements specific to your vacancy. We do such by using current screening methods to select top candidates for your consideration. 







Contact & Customise

Search our Database

Present Candidates

Inform Successful Candidate

Support & Maintain Strong Relationship

Compliance Requirements

Get in touch

What We do

Hover over any of our process icons to view the steps and information associated with this process. At One Solution Recruitment, we have designed our recruiting process to allow our team to work closely with the Employer and Candidate.

Request Staff

If you need staff, simply give us a brief overview of your requirements by clicking the request staff button.

Business Services

One Solution Recruitment has the expertise in providing reliable and experienced staff to fulfil your requirements. Whatever the role or skill-set and no matter what sector you operate in, we have a network of qualifies and motivated candidates eager to work with you. 

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